Personal Statement | Newly Qualified Social Work Job Application

This example will inspire you to write your own unique personal statement to support your application for a newly qualified social work position.

Personal Statement: Newly Qualified Social Work Job Application

I wish to apply for the position of a Newly Qualified Social Worker within the X Council in Children Services. I have always been interested in a career in social work, especially to work with children and families. I have embarked on an intensive 2 year degree programme and have gained tremendous knowledge and experience.

First Social Work Placement Experience

newly qualified social worker

During my first placement, I worked for X agency. This was a 70 day statutory placement, and I assessed and supported adults with learning disabilities. During this placement I carried out the following tasks:

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Social Work Degree Application Personal Statement

  • Assessments and reviews which were participatory and person-centred in nature to identify options for meeting those needs, negotiate and review care and support within the agency’s policy and guidelines.
  • I managed caseloads, wrote clear evidenced-based reports and worked in partnership with carers, family members, multi-disciplinary and multi-agency teams to promote the needs and rights of adults with learning disabilities.
  • I contributed to the development of new services and projects within the team, such as the Safeguarding Tool and the Think Safe Project with community involvement.
  • I practiced in accordance with the requirements of the Care Act 2014, Mental Health Act 1983, Human Rights Act 1998, Mental Capacity Act 2005, and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) 2009 and attended training courses.
  • I attended meetings on safeguarding, referrals and case review meetings and with support worked on duty or point of first contact with service users providing direct advice and assistance as required.
  • I worked with staff from other agencies, such as Health, Police and housing and service providers from within the Department or from the Private or Voluntary Sector to help signpost service users.

Second Social Work Placement Experiencepersonal statement for a newly qualified social work role

My current and final year placement is within the Assessment Team in Children Services X agency, I am on track to completing my 100 day placement in X  and I should have my HCPC registration in X.

On this placement; I have gained some experience working with vulnerable children, supporting and ensuring their wellbeing is paramount in the support given. I carried out the following tasks:

  • Responding to queries and referrals from various sources. Lead the investigation of allegations of significant harm to children by exchanging information with partner agencies, coordinate emergency and routine services and synthesise multi-disciplinary judgements as part of ongoing social work assessment.
  • Communicating clearly with children and their families using methods based on best evidence. Use a range of strategies to help families’ facing difficulties.
  • I act respectfully towards children and families, listen to their wishes and feelings and produce written report whiles following the Children and Families Assessment Framework.
  • Completing initial visits to homes and conducting risk assessments. I observe and talk with parents, carers, friends and peers to help understand the physical and emotional world in which the child lives, including the quality of child and parent/carer interaction and other key relationships.
  • Doing direct work with children and families where I build effective relationships while remaining authoritative and empathic.
  • I work in partnership with the children, families and other professionals while encouraging participation in assessment and decision making.
  • Carry out in-depth and ongoing assessment based on the Assessment Framework for Children and Families, with particular emphasis on parental capacity and capability to change. Support is then tailored to meet individual child and family needs while addressing significant risks.
  • Signpost families and children to services and negotiating and challenging other professionals and organisations to provide the help required.
  • Working with children and their families to ensure family remains together where possible. Where this is not possible, I help children to separate from, and sustain, relationships recognising the impact of lass and change.
  • Investigating concerns of neglect through section 17/47 while ensuring timescales are adhered to and keeping information factual.
  • Carrying out joint visits with other the police and other professionals
  • Organising Child In Need conference and drawing up a CIN plan
  • Helping to compile reports to case conferences and court/statutory panels in accordance with statutory procedures and practice.
  • Developing effective working partnerships with those within their families, and carers. 
  • Liaising and working with other professionals and agencies to achieve optimal outcomes for children and young people, and that services are ‘joined up’ in approach.
  • Maintaining personal and professional training and development by attending training sessions organised by Hertfordshire County Council in order to meet the challenging demands of the job.
  • Using child observation skills, genograms, eco maps, chronologies and other evidence-based tools to ensure active child and family participation.
  • Seeking advice and second opinion through supervision and also using law, regulatory and statutory guidance to inform practice decisions.
  • Helping with the compilation of reports to case conferences and court/statutory panels in accordance with statutory procedures and practice (under section 7 and 37 of the Children Act 1989).

children social worker

Social work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people as expressed in the United Nations Universal declaration of Human Rights (1948).

The BASW HCPC standards of proficiency also emphasise the key attributes of a Social Worker such as empathy, authenticity, confidentiality and respect which I strongly adhere to.

As a student social worker, I respect, uphold and defend each person’s physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual integrity and wellbeing.

I work towards promoting the best interests of individuals and groups in society and the avoidance of harm by practicing in an anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive manner.

I am a people’s person and have a great personality. I have a can do attitude and am ready to face the challenges that social work entails. I am assertive, caring, and empathetic, open-minded and have an extremely patient approach towards situations.


As a Newly Qualified Social Worker, I could offer the best of support in transforming the lives of people.

I am confident that I can handle the challenges and pressure that are associated with the Newly Qualified Social Work role.


Social Work Degree Application Personal Statement

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