15 Free Social Work Resources That Are Actually Helpful


There are various social work tools for direct work with children, young people, and adults in practice.

Within social work teams, people share their expertise of what should be done in direct work. However, you may have already realised that your colleagues or social workers are ever so busy.

It can be a battle finding someone to sit down with you to talk about what they found most useful, and how you can use similar tools in your case management.

When you’re a social worker, having access to the right information is vital.

That is why knowing where to access some free social work resources can help you signpost and support those you support appropriately.

15 Free Social Work Resources That Are Actually Helpful

Here are 15 free social work resources anyone can use:

1. Online websites:

Some websites offer support to those who are struggling with anxiety and depression. They have online counseling in which professionals listen to people’s struggles and try to help.

Be careful when researching those websites; although some might hire real professionals, others might not.

It would be best if you double-checked that you’re talking to someone who has had experience with people struggling with anxiety or depression.

If it’s a trust-worthy website, there will be a section entirely dedicated to staff working for the website.

For example: CALM a charity which provides mental health support over the phone and via web chat.

Mind – Mind provides free mental health advice and support. They aim to empower people with mental health problems, raise awareness around mental health, and promote understanding. 

There are plenty of these websites, so finding one shouldn’t be too hard.

Free Social Work Resources When Working with Children

social work resources

2. Drugs educational programme for children: On My Own Two Feet E-books

This is an educational package for children who have had experience with drug abuse or have lived in a household in which drug abuse was prevalent.

The package aims to help children develop their ability to change their lives and help them understand that they can get better mentally and physically.

The package contains downloadable free content in a pdf format.

3. Preventing Bullying: A Guide for Parents

This package is aimed at parents who are experiencing having a child getting bullied at school and feel helpless.

It’s a free downloadable resource that will help those parents understand what being bullied means and how to support someone going through it.

Many times, children are ashamed that they’re being bullied and won’t tell their parents; this guide also contains the signs a child is getting bullied.

4. Programme for victims and survivors of domestic abuse

This guide provides advice for victims and survivors of domestic violence.

It’s a beneficial resource since, according to the CDC, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience physical violence by their partner during their lifetimes.

About 1 in 3 women and nearly 1 in 6 men experience sexual violence during their lifetimes.

social work resources

5. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Resources for parents/carers

This package contains seven free resources for parents and caregivers who want to explain to their children what is going on in the world, and what a pandemic is without making it too heavy on them.

6. Coping with pressure at school (Teen’s guide)

Adolescence is a very confusing period for teenagers; they don’t know what they’re going through, they’re struggling, and on top of that, they get hormonal, and their bodies change.

This useful guide will help them understand those changes better.

7. An image vocabulary for children about: feelings, rights and safety, personal care and sexuality

A guide developed to help children to communicate their feelings, basic needs, and important issues.

8. Getting to know yourself; getting along with yourself – teen programme

This guide is useful for social workers, students, and teachers since it contains resources for both.

You wouldn’t believe that it’s a free resource.

9. Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide to Safety

Autism is a complex, lifelong developmental disability caused by unknown mechanisms; many parents and caregivers struggle with it because they can’t understand why their child might show signs of autism.

This guide might help them know better.

10. Parenting Positively–Helping teenagers to cope with A Parent’s Problem Drug or Alcohol Use

We’ve already talked about children living in households in which drug or alcohol use is prevalent.

Still, this guide is for the parents struggling with those addictions, to help them understand the impact they’re having on their children and hopefully help them reach out for help.

Free Social Work Resources When Working with Adults

social work resources

Skills for care.

On this website are free resources and documents from The College of Social Work. Resources for adults. AMHP Competency–PCF Mapping Framework; Best Interest Assessor (BIA) Capabilities; Curriculum guide for social workers qualifying and CPD: Mental Capacity Act 2005; Learning Materials: MCA 2005 in Practice; CPD curriculum guide and capabilities: and information on the Care Act 2014.

12. Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has tons of free information that social workers can use to help improve the lives of people of all ages. They have information on safeguarding, strengthening families, domestic violence, Children Act 1989, Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005, and many useful training resources.

13. Community care

On Community Care, you will find information on social work practice and legal information and learning tools in an accessible format. Wellbeing at the forefront of your practice.

As a social worker, you can access community care free resources to help keep you up to date with best practice and the law.

Research and information on this site can also help contribute towards your continuing professional development (CPD).

You will also find the best social work jobs and careers advice at community care.

The site also provides live job adverts and there is a section on employer zone which showcases a selection of the sector’s top recruiters.

14. Cafcass 

On Cafcass website you will find up to date organisational guidance on working with children through COVID-19 and general information on direct work with children.

15. Socialworkhaven.com

At socialworkhaven.com, you will find many useful resources on personal development, mindfulness, mental health and how to have a work life balance.

Remember to check out these helpful articles.

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